Monday, July 13, 2015

My Sixth Blogversary

Wow it has been six years since I started this blog, I had already been one of a team of bloggers from our local genealogical society Eastern Washington Genealogical Society, and this last year I became one of the administrators for a Word Press Blog for the Washington State Genealogical Society and that was a real learning experience since I had only used blogger for the three other blogs I post on. I am glad my two other administrators Roxanne Lowe and Donna Potter Phillips are good bloggers also, and so it has been a good experience.
My most popular posts still seem to be the posts I did on the Seattle Worlds Fair, but the post I did on my missing locker in high school seems to be gaining popularity so it may catch the Seattle Worlds Fair posts in another year or so.
You can see the previous blogversary posts here and I hope to post here more often since I am not as busy with Word Press as I was this year.

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